Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Good Man In Their Midst

Councillor Tran Siu is a man of action.  Tran Siu is a born leader, who sets goals and then achieves them.  Cr Tran Siu is a current first-term member of the Harvester Ward in the City of Brimbank.  Like so many men of action, Tran Siu finds himself scrutinized and criticized; Tran also enjoys the admiration and support of many. 

Councillor Tran Siu is Melbourne’s home-grown commodity, having lived and been educated in the suburb of West Sunshine.  Tran Siu began calling attention to himself as a young, enthusiastic personality.  When young Tran Siu was attending Sunshine’s Glengala Primary School, the leadership skills he learned from sports and student activities did not go unnoticed.  Those leadership skills that Tran exhibited while attending both primary and high schools equipped him for his college studies.  While studying at Sunshine College, Tran Siu did what born leaders do; he worked tirelessly to achieve his degree.  It was financially necessary that Tran Siu work full time at the National Australia Bank, while attending evening classes at college.  Tran Siu did this uncomplainingly until his goal was met.

The Economic and Finance degree that Tran Siu earned at college fortified his chosen effort to do work in his community.  Councillor Tran Siu is dedicated to seeing that the social and economic needs of Sunshine’s citizens are met.  Cr Tran Siu believes that his re-election to the City of Brimbank’s Harvester Ward will facilitate his ability to access the sources needed to effect many of Sunshine’s socio-economic desired improvements. 

Councillor Tran Siu has specific plans for one particular socio-economic enhancement for Sunshine; Tran Siu wants to transform the region via implementing certain micro tourism strategies to boost overall economic activity for the area. The starting point were to assist Sunshine’s Vietnamese restaurant owners with more improved ways of doing business.  By doing this, Councillor Tran Siu foresees improved economics for strategic parts of the municipality as many of these businesses were on highly visible artilary roads with high travelling exposure around the community. 

Cr Tran Siu understands the needs of the City of Brimbank’s Vietnamese population (approximately 12% of total population).  Tran Siu comes to this understanding naturally, due to his relationship with his Vietnamese/Chinese parents.  Residents of Melbourne, the parents of Tran Siu long ago found refuge in Australia.  From his parents, Tran Siu came to understand hard work and dedication, and developed a heartfelt appreciation for his nation. 

The appreciation Councillor Tran Siu has for Australia is contrasted by the dissatisfaction many hold for their country.  While those disenchanted residents concentrate on the imperfections of their homeland, it is Tran Siu who thinks of its fine qualities.  As the son of his refugee parents, Tran Siu has learned that each and every Australian has an individual responsibility to make things better.

Tran Siu is truly dedicated to his responsibility to make things better; serving on the Harvester Ward Council since November 2008 has given Tran Siu many additional tools to do so. Councillor Tran Siu intends to continue his focus on a number of specifically identified needs of Brimbank’s people.  Tran Siu plans to persistently apply his strong work ethic to effectively meet those needs. 

Tran Siu knows it is his work ethic which separates him from so many of his peers.  Councillor Siu has used that strong work ethic to see him through the morass of city government obstacles and he has learned from personal experience that persistence and principled conviction will carry him through to the implementation of so many needed community projects.  

Should Councillor Tran Siu be re-elected by the people of Brimbank’s Harvester Ward, they will have no better champion.

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