In Melbourne, Australia, there lives and works a young man of vision. Tran Siu is that man. Within the metropolitan area of Melbourne lies the City of Brimbank, and Councillor Tran Siu is a member of that city’s Harvester Ward Council. While he approaches the end of his first term serving on that Council, Cr Tran Siu actively seeks re-election.
Within any agency of government representation, there have always been those of ordinary, as well as extra-ordinary, motivation. As a representative of the City of Brimbank, Tran has worked with intense motivation. As it has been customary for Councillor Tran Siu throughout his business and public life, Tran Siu, by his very nature, continues to find avenues for improvement. To this day, Councillor Siu remains on the lookout for effective ways to improve his Ward’s circumstances. Councillor Tran Siu is a young man of purpose, who seeks out such opportunities with exceptional zeal.
As early on as his days as a student at primary school, Tran Siu was acknowledged for his leadership qualities and skills. Even as a young 6th grade student, the peers of and educators of Tran Siu recognized his leadership qualities. Those students showed their confidence in him by electing young Tran Siu to be their Student President.
Councillor Tran Siu is known for his motivation to get things done. After primary schooling, Tran Siu progressed onto higher levels of education. As a graduating high school student, Tran Siu was honoured at the 2002 Premier’s VCE Awards with the presentation of the prestigious Victorian Certificate of Education (“VCE”) Achiever Award.
It was during high school that young Tran Siu made his decision to pursue business and economics. Once in College, Tran Siu was so motivated to succeed, he stubbornly held down a full-time job, while also studying for a degree in Economics and Finance. Councillor Tran Siu attributes that academic accomplishment to his inherent motivation to do whatever necessary to reach stated goals. Cr Tran Siu takes pride in honouring his commitments. Councillor Tran Siu is motivated to meeting those commitments with excellence. The constancy of excellence exercised by Tran Siu is illustrated by his many accomplishments within the community.
Councillor Tran Siu naturally gravitates to arenas that afford him the opportunity to lead. Many of those community arenas have been those of local youth and business groups with which Tran Siu joined forces. Often as a member, Tran Siu utilized his strong work ethic and leadership skills on their behalf. Just as during his school years, the altruistic efforts of Tran Siu that helped his fellow members were openly recognized. To show their appreciation to Tran Siu, such groups as the Lions and Rotary Clubs, YMCA, Red Cross, Amnesty International, World Vision, and Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues often honoured Tran Siu with their respective awards. The laudable and extensive achievements of Tran Siu are ones of tireless participation in and contribution to community needs.
As a dedicated representative of the people of Harvester Ward Council, Tran Siu continues to focus on goals of meaningful community improvements. Councillor Tran Siu has the proven leadership strengths which are believed to ensure the achievement of those improvements. He actively helped re-form the Sunshine Traders Group (STG) to the new Sunshine Business Association (SBA). The first task on their agenda was to form a stronger and diverse management committee. This was to create a more long standing foundation and be able to pull together like minded business people to be able to cooperateively work on common goals and that was to better their surrounding community. Tran Siu was able to use his leadership abilities to attract most of the local traders, shopping centres, banks, real estates and local agencies to attend regular meetings to set collective goals to achieve.
In October 2009, the first SBA event was hosted “Sunshine Lantern Festival” which culminated over 100 food and accessory stands, rides, stage performances and many more activities which saw many different cultural displays. Even it was the most windiest and wettest day recorded for the year still thousands turnout in support for the SBA event.
It has been said that personal leadership is the process of keeping our vision and values before us and aligning our lives to be congruent with them. This axiom could easily have been stated to describe Tran Siu.
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