Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Good Man In Their Midst

Councillor Tran Siu is a man of action.  Tran Siu is a born leader, who sets goals and then achieves them.  Cr Tran Siu is a current first-term member of the Harvester Ward in the City of Brimbank.  Like so many men of action, Tran Siu finds himself scrutinized and criticized; Tran also enjoys the admiration and support of many. 

Councillor Tran Siu is Melbourne’s home-grown commodity, having lived and been educated in the suburb of West Sunshine.  Tran Siu began calling attention to himself as a young, enthusiastic personality.  When young Tran Siu was attending Sunshine’s Glengala Primary School, the leadership skills he learned from sports and student activities did not go unnoticed.  Those leadership skills that Tran exhibited while attending both primary and high schools equipped him for his college studies.  While studying at Sunshine College, Tran Siu did what born leaders do; he worked tirelessly to achieve his degree.  It was financially necessary that Tran Siu work full time at the National Australia Bank, while attending evening classes at college.  Tran Siu did this uncomplainingly until his goal was met.

The Economic and Finance degree that Tran Siu earned at college fortified his chosen effort to do work in his community.  Councillor Tran Siu is dedicated to seeing that the social and economic needs of Sunshine’s citizens are met.  Cr Tran Siu believes that his re-election to the City of Brimbank’s Harvester Ward will facilitate his ability to access the sources needed to effect many of Sunshine’s socio-economic desired improvements. 

Councillor Tran Siu has specific plans for one particular socio-economic enhancement for Sunshine; Tran Siu wants to transform the region via implementing certain micro tourism strategies to boost overall economic activity for the area. The starting point were to assist Sunshine’s Vietnamese restaurant owners with more improved ways of doing business.  By doing this, Councillor Tran Siu foresees improved economics for strategic parts of the municipality as many of these businesses were on highly visible artilary roads with high travelling exposure around the community. 

Cr Tran Siu understands the needs of the City of Brimbank’s Vietnamese population (approximately 12% of total population).  Tran Siu comes to this understanding naturally, due to his relationship with his Vietnamese/Chinese parents.  Residents of Melbourne, the parents of Tran Siu long ago found refuge in Australia.  From his parents, Tran Siu came to understand hard work and dedication, and developed a heartfelt appreciation for his nation. 

The appreciation Councillor Tran Siu has for Australia is contrasted by the dissatisfaction many hold for their country.  While those disenchanted residents concentrate on the imperfections of their homeland, it is Tran Siu who thinks of its fine qualities.  As the son of his refugee parents, Tran Siu has learned that each and every Australian has an individual responsibility to make things better.

Tran Siu is truly dedicated to his responsibility to make things better; serving on the Harvester Ward Council since November 2008 has given Tran Siu many additional tools to do so. Councillor Tran Siu intends to continue his focus on a number of specifically identified needs of Brimbank’s people.  Tran Siu plans to persistently apply his strong work ethic to effectively meet those needs. 

Tran Siu knows it is his work ethic which separates him from so many of his peers.  Councillor Siu has used that strong work ethic to see him through the morass of city government obstacles and he has learned from personal experience that persistence and principled conviction will carry him through to the implementation of so many needed community projects.  

Should Councillor Tran Siu be re-elected by the people of Brimbank’s Harvester Ward, they will have no better champion.

Embracing the Can-Do

In Melbourne, Australia, there lives and works a young man of vision.  Tran Siu is that man.  Within the metropolitan area of Melbourne lies the City of Brimbank, and Councillor Tran Siu is a member of that city’s Harvester Ward Council.  While he approaches the end of his first term serving on that Council, Cr Tran Siu actively seeks re-election.

Within any agency of government representation, there have always been those of ordinary, as well as extra-ordinary, motivation.  As a representative of the City of Brimbank, Tran has worked with intense motivation.  As it has been customary for Councillor Tran Siu throughout his business and public life, Tran Siu, by his very nature, continues to find avenues for improvement.  To this day, Councillor Siu remains on the lookout for effective ways to improve his Ward’s circumstances.  Councillor Tran Siu is a young man of purpose, who seeks out such opportunities with exceptional zeal. 

As early on as his days as a student at primary school, Tran Siu was acknowledged for his leadership qualities and skills.  Even as a young 6th grade student, the peers of and educators of Tran Siu recognized his leadership qualities.  Those students showed their confidence in him by electing young Tran Siu to be their Student President.

Councillor Tran Siu is known for his motivation to get things done.  After primary schooling, Tran Siu progressed onto higher levels of education.  As a graduating high school student, Tran Siu was honoured at the 2002 Premier’s VCE Awards with the presentation of the prestigious Victorian Certificate of Education (“VCE”) Achiever Award.

It was during high school that young Tran Siu made his decision to pursue business and economics.  Once in College, Tran Siu was so motivated to succeed, he stubbornly held down a full-time job, while also studying for a degree in Economics and Finance.  Councillor Tran Siu attributes that academic accomplishment to his inherent motivation to do whatever necessary to reach stated goals.  Cr Tran Siu takes pride in honouring his commitments.  Councillor Tran Siu is motivated to meeting those commitments with excellence.   The constancy of excellence exercised by Tran Siu is illustrated by his many accomplishments within the community. 

Councillor Tran Siu naturally gravitates to arenas that afford him the opportunity to lead.  Many of those community arenas have been those of local youth and business groups with which Tran Siu joined forces.  Often as a member, Tran Siu utilized his strong work ethic and leadership skills on their behalf.  Just as during his school years, the altruistic efforts of Tran Siu that helped his fellow members were openly recognized.  To show their appreciation to Tran Siu, such groups as the Lions and Rotary Clubs, YMCA, Red Cross, Amnesty International, World Vision, and Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues often  honoured Tran Siu with their respective awards. The laudable and extensive achievements of Tran Siu are ones of tireless participation in and contribution to community needs.

As a dedicated representative of the people of Harvester Ward Council, Tran Siu continues to focus on goals of meaningful community improvements.  Councillor Tran Siu has the proven leadership strengths which are believed to ensure the achievement of those improvements.  He actively helped re-form the Sunshine Traders Group (STG) to the new Sunshine Business Association (SBA). The first task on their agenda was to form a stronger and diverse management committee. This was to create a more long standing foundation and be able to pull together like minded business people to be able to cooperateively work on common goals and that was to better their surrounding community. Tran Siu was able to use his leadership abilities to attract most of the local traders, shopping centres, banks, real estates and local agencies to attend regular meetings to set collective goals to achieve.

In October 2009, the first SBA event was hosted “Sunshine Lantern Festival” which culminated over 100 food and accessory stands, rides, stage performances and many more activities which saw many different cultural displays. Even it was the most windiest and wettest day recorded for the year still thousands turnout in support for the SBA event.

It has been said that personal leadership is the process of keeping our vision and values before us and aligning our lives to be congruent with them.  This axiom could easily have been stated to describe Tran Siu. 

Embracing the Can-Do

Tran Siu is one of today’s rarities; he a self-made man.  Melbourne’s Sunshine communities can rightfully boast of Tran Siu and his actions as a hard-working and dedicated member of their Council.  

Tran is a young man, who has served the people of Brimbank City Council as their Deputy Mayor since November 2008.  Councillor Siu is particularly focused on both near- and long-term goals of improvement for the people of Brimbank.  He takes those goals seriously, just as he takes seriously his nation as a whole. 

 Siu was raised to hold Australia dear to his heart and protect her.  There are Australians who prefer to voice displeasure with their great nation, rather than invest in her health and betterment.  Their incessant complaining about her perceived shortcomings only frustrates Tran Siu and makes him grow weary.  Rather than complain, Councillor Siu prefers to make fortifying contributions to his proud homeland.   Siu concentrates on and reaches for the positives.
Councillor Siu was taught by appreciative refugee parents to be grateful for his proud country. The hard-working mother and father of Councillor Tran Siu instilled in him a sincere reverence for Australia, and a deep respect for civic duty.   Siu was taught from childhood that he must earn his achievements; the parents of Siu were the first to teach him the merits of individual responsibility. 

Tran Siu adopted the lesson of individual responsibility as absolute truth; he took that early training and carried it into every pursuit.  Councillor Siu knows that if individuals have access to the tools they need to build, they will generally succeed.  The strong work ethic of Siu pays tribute to this philosophy; first the parenting of him, then his educational accomplishments, and later his business achievements – all these underscore what that healthy work ethic can do.

There are those who do not share the strong work ethic of Councillor Siu.  Rather than pull together with Tran, as individuals who combine their skills and resources, those caustic few spend valuable Council time seeking to undermine him.  Nevertheless, understanding the power of individual responsibility, the attention of Councillor  Siu is not detracted by those counter-production acts.

Tran Siu understands that principled determination and a strong work ethic will always win out.  Councillor Tran Siu has learned from his own rich experiences that those qualities, mixed with the personal will to reach positive goals, will ensure just that.  

Tran Siu relies on the confidence he has in his fellow Australians.  Councillor Tran Siu knows that, with their continued support, and the cooperation – rather than antagonism – of his associates, they can all reach that finish line together.  He believes that mutual finish lines are attainable.  Councillor Tran  is confident that a more productive and robust economy awaits Australia.  The wish of Tran is that he be allowed to again assist Brimbank’s citizens in their efforts to achieve it.

Despite Negative Opposition

The constant purpose of Tran Siu is to get things done for the people of Sunshine.  That is why Tran Siu pursued his Council position in the first place. Tran Siu has had much experience with Melbourne’s community - quasi-political - organizations.  That experience now bolsters him; Tran is well prepared and willing to defend his actions against others’ negative campaigning.
That bolstering experience now serves Tran well.  While negative campaign tactics are designed to compromise his eligibility in the upcoming Council election. The strong resolve of Tran to make a positive difference for the people of Sunshine will not be shaken; the negative opposition against Tran Siu only serves to strengthen that fortifying resolve.

Tran has a background of many accomplishments. Tran has had impressive experience with a myriad of community organizations.  He has an extensive background of working with youth, disabled, and a variety of business groups.  That experience illustrates reliability of Tran Siu and his commitment to reach targeted goals.  Regardless of the negative accusations pelted against him, he remains steadfast; he is a man who is determined to honor his commitment to the people he represents.       
Tran has demonstrated his inherent leadership qualities. Whether as a participant in youth organization activities, or altruistic business events, Tran has always worked with the intensity required to help those groups reach stated goals. The skills developed by Councillor Trans Siu as a result of that involvement now translates to his ability to effectively reach the on-going pursuits of community economic development and improved tourism. 
One of the more heartfelt goals of Tran is providing Australia’s Vietnamese citizens with the needed tools to better represent themselves politically.  Tran believes that this endeavor must entail a more effective promotion of Sunshine’s Vietnamese businesses.

What Drives Tran Siu

Australia has many reasons to boast.  One of those reasons is its hard-working and dedicated Ward Councillor and Deputy Mayor Tran Siu.  Tran Siu openly embodies the qualities of his great and noble nation.  

Councillor Tran Siu has served on the Brimbank Harvester Ward Council since November 2008.  At the core of Trans Siu is his belief that Australia is special.  Rather than join others who complain about the country’s imperfections, Tran concentrates his efforts on Australia’s qualities.  He has come to this steadfast belief as the son of refugee parents.  After many years of observing his mother and father, young Tran came to understand their gratitude to and appreciation of Australia.  Councillor Tran Siu carries forth that same reverence and appreciation in his personal and professional life.   In return for the good life that Australia provides, Cr Tran Siu continues to devote his public life to representing his country’s fine qualities by example and daily assisting its life-sustaining growth.

Throughout his early school years, while attending Glengala Primary School, then Sunshine College, and continuing to the present, he has skillfully determined positive ways to contribute to Australia’s Sunshine communities.  With unswerving dedication, Councillor Tran Siu tirelessly fulfills his duty of directly serving the populace of the City of Brimbank.   

Tran is clear-thinking enough to engage in the critical evaluation of his own pursuits.  That evaluation crystallized into Tran changing his employer to Bendigo and Adelaide Bank.  There, he was able to devote his efforts to dealing with and helping small-medium businesses (SME’s) that really needed the advantages of banking assistance.

Tran is dedicated to the promotion of a healthy, self-sustaining Australia market.  His business banking experiences have created in Tran the capability and professional know-how necessary to actually contribute to that great good. 
Throughout his life, Tran has taken the lead, while participating, as needed, in a growing network of associations.  Over the years, he has been the repeated recipient of countless awards gifted him by those groups he supported. Tran Siu now expresses appreciation for those awards, but he also admits that he was much more humbled by the benefits others enjoyed as a result of those efforts for which he was awarded.

Tran has managed a strong track record of community participation and achievement.  Councillor Tran Siu has supported such groups as The Lions Club, Rotary Club, Amnesty International, the YMCA, World Vision, Boccia Victoria and the Brimbank Council in 2003 – to name but a few.  Tran has done this by way of his reliable participation and inspiring others to join and be passionate to make things better.  Councillor Tran Siu seems to be a man bolstered by his own personal wish to do good for others.  Tran recently shared his telling discovery:  he found “that doing good for others far outweighs the hollow rewards of most faceless corporate ventures”.  That sentiment appears to have taken strong root in the stated pursuits of Tran; he now earnestly seeks to increase Australia’s image on the world political arena and stronger economic growth.  Tran is strongly determined to do this with the participation of creating many different links between Australia and its regional Asian neighbours, within areas such as trade, education & cultural exchanges.  Councillor Tran Siu is clearly driven to help identify, as well as fulfill them. 
Tran is driven for and dedicated to the people.  If re-elected to the Brimbank Harvester Ward Council, Tran Siu believes his altruistic goals for that Australian population will be facilitated.

What Tran Siu is All About

Two years ago, Tran Siu was elected by the people of Brimbank to be their Harvester Ward Councillor.  Since that time, Cr Tran Siu has continued to work on an ever-evolving strategy to make meaningful improvements in his community.  The election of Tran Siu to Council was not what prompted this ambition; rather, Tran Siu has a long and extensive history of participating in and contributing to community needs.

Many think of Tran Siu as a natural born leader.  Since high school, Trans Siu’s background reflects his on-going participation in numerous youth organizations.  From sports clubs to altruistic business associations, Tran Siu works diligently to influence the betterment of those organizations.  Councillor Tran Siu can boast of academic experience that equips him to enhance continued community economic development and improved tourism. 

Even as a young student, Cr Tran Siu stood out as someone committed to making a difference.  From the   conduct of Tran Siu as president of the Student Leadership Forum at Sunshine College, to his work with Sunshine’s Lions Youth Club, Councillor Tran Siu has been seen as a natural leader.

Tran Siu is a man of dedication and tremendous work ethic.  Child of Vietnamese immigrants, Cr Tran Siu learned early in life that whatever he achieved would be determined by his own merit.  Councillor Tran Siu was raised in the West Sunshine suburb.  It was there that Tran Siu attended Glengala Primary School (even only as a primary school student he was elected Student President during grade 6) then went on to Sunshine College.

 Tran Siu learned about the perseverance of self-responsibility at an early age.  Determined to complete his Economic and Finance degree, Cr Siu kept his sights on this imperative goal.  While working full time at the National Australia Bank during business hours, Tran Siu then attended required lectures at night.  Councillor Tran Siu has also learned that, in order to make personal, as well as professional progress, he must regularly evaluate his then-current situation and adjust, if needed, in order to stay on target.

The leadership skills Councillor Tran Siu acquired from earlier participation is sports have been put to productive use.  From his roles in coaching volleyball teams to organizing community efforts for the disabled, Cr Tran Siu has utilized those skills to help others.

Tran Siu is a leader, often admired for his humanitarian pursuits.  Tran Siu maintains a forward-looking expectation of a more functional economy for Sunshine's Harvester ward. Councillor Tran Siu consistently invests his talents and time in the pursuit of this goal.  Tran Siu has valuable banking experience in business development roles which equip Siu with the expertise to expertly formulate effective community economic endeavors, as well as assess their progress.

Councillor Tran Siu has a project in mind that he holds dear to his heart.  That project is to improve the current economic situation of Brimbank’s Vietnamese population.  Cr Tran Siu believes the way to do this is through transformative investment in Sunshine’s business infrastructure. 

Tran Siu is determined that the social needs of the community be better met, and its tourism capability enhanced.  Councillor Siu has cited his intention to provide Australia with more Vietnamese citizens to politically represent their large Brimbank population.  Councillor Tran Siu specifically intends to promote the success of Sunshine Vietnamese restaurants.  Tran Siu had cited the need for improved Vietnamese translation in community communications, which Cr Tran Siu believes will transform into improved funding within Sunshine.

Tran Siu shares his deep appreciation of Australia with his Vietnamese/ Chinese parents.  Councillor Tran Siu and they believe in Australia’s greatness.
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